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Benefits of Updating Your Company Desktop Computers?

31 January 2021

Benefits of Updating Your Company Desktop Computers?

Desktop computers are a big investment for any business, whether you need one or a whole set of them. Updating them to newer versions can seem like a cost to put off until things start to go badly wrong but this can be a bad idea.


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Do you Need Faster Broadband?

31 January 2021

Do you Need Faster Broadband?

One of the most common questions we get is whether a business needs faster broadband. A lot of the answer starts with another question - what speed do you have? And what do you do?


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IT Trends in 2021

30 December 2020

IT Trends in 2021

As we head into 2021, it is always good to see what experts believe will be the big trends in any industry. The IT trends in 2021 are still quite defined by the current pandemic and the impact it has had on working life. But there are positives to be seen.


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IT Audit – Why It’s Important?

30 December 2020

IT Audit – Why It’s Important?

IT audits are a bit like any type of audit - not the most exciting thing on the calendar! But this doesn’t mean that it isn’t important and just like other types of audits, should be carried out regularly.


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Will we still be working from home in 2021?

30 December 2020

Will we still be working from home in 2021?

After the virus itself, one of the big talking points for 2020 has been the growth of the work from home model. Businesses have been forced to quickly adopt these approaches, sometimes haphazardly, in order to keep operating with the lockdown guidance. But will we still be working from home in 2021?


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What will IT Support look like in 2021?

30 December 2020

What will IT Support look like in 2021?

IT Support is one of the services you don’t think about until something goes wrong! But for companies who offer it as a service, we understand that companies need us at any moment of the day to sort problems that could potentially cost them a lot of money or loss of reputation. But will IT support change in 2021 and what could it look like?


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The Continued Growth of VOIP Phone Solutions

30 November 2020

The Continued Growth of VOIP Phone Solutions

The growth of VoIP in the last two decades has been huge and 2021 doesn’t look to change that direction. One study showed that 63% of businesses viewed it as a ‘highly effective technology for companies’ while 60% viewed it as improving collaboration. Nearly 50% of those surveyed even viewed it as giving them a competitive advantage and similar numbers believed it improved the company’s image.


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2021 & Business Landlines

30 November 2020

2021 & Business Landlines

On the surface, the events of 2020 have meant that the business landline is slightly obsolete, no longer needed for a business that is closed or whose staff are working from home. But this doesn’t paint a clear picture of the importance of business landlines, an importance that looks set to continue into 2021.


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How 2020 Changed our Working Patterns

30 November 2020

How 2020 Changed our Working Patterns

Working from home isn’t a new thing - many different industries have been using this pattern for years. Many sole traders working online have never done anything but worked at home. But with 2020, the working patterns for many more people have been forced to change. Could these changes stick going ahead?


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Computer Trends for 2021?

30 November 2020

Computer Trends for 2021?

If there’s one thing that 2020 has taught us, it’s that the worst-case scenario can really happen. That you can suddenly find your business shut down or forced to work differently to normal with very little forewarning. But that also has shown that many businesses are far more adaptable and resilient than they would have guessed.


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