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Christmas and New Year Opening Times

22 December 2015

Details of Clyde Solutions Christmas and New Year opening hours

Author: Telemarketing/Non Geographic Numbers

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Clyde Solutions partnered with leading ISP to provide Superfast Broadband

15 December 2015

Clyde Solutions are delighted to be partnered with ISP Highnet to allow them to provide Glasgow businesses with Superfast Broadband at competitive prices in 2016.


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How remote working empowers working mums and dads

02 November 2015

Technology now allows more and more of us to have the ability to work anywhere with the same functionality as if you were sat in the office.

Author: Telemarketing/Non Geographic Numbers

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What difference would fibre broadband make to your business?

10 August 2015

Solid, reliable and quick internet access is crucial for every business, here are a couple benefits of Fibre Broadband, for SME, Corporates and Home/ Remote workers. - Clyde Solutions 0141 353 4350

Author: EFM East Kilbride

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Ofcom to make it easier for UK mobile customers to change network

29 July 2015

UK telecoms regulator Ofcom has opened its consultation process aimed at making it easier for UK consumers to switch mobile providers.

Author: Telemarketing/Non Geographic Numbers

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10 Reasons you shouldn't veto VoIP

28 July 2015

Are you thinking of ditching your traditional business telephone system in favour of VoIP or does the thought of cloud based technology , internet calls and a new system install fill you with dread? Clyde Solutions customers are delighted with the flexibility and cost savings that VoIP has brought them. Here’s our top 10 tips on why you shouldn’t veto VoIP.

Author: Telemarketing/Non Geographic Numbers

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Google and Samsung take on Apple with free music

27 July 2015

Google and Samsung are looking to take on Apple Music by offering six months of free music streaming through Google Play Music to anyone who buys one of Samsung's latest smartphones.

Author: Telemarketing/Non Geographic Numbers

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Commercial WiFi- its what your customers expect

08 July 2015

Your customers expect WiFi, they don't see it as an added extra they demand it. From the bus to work to the cafe for lunch. People expect to be able to connect to a WiFi connection that's free and fast. Many Doctors and Dentist practices now offer their patients this as a loyalty tool and to keep patients happy and occupied whilst waiting to be seen.

Author: Telemarketing/Non Geographic Numbers

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Mobile Broadband: UK has world's fastest 3G and 4G mobile speeds with 20.4Mbps

30 June 2015

Did you know the UK has world's fastest 3G and 4G mobile speeds with 20.4Mbps?

Author: Telemarketing/Non Geographic Numbers

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Samsung developing new technology to double battery life

29 June 2015

Wouldn't life be great if we all had twice as much battery on our smartphones and tablets? Samsung are currently developing technology that can make this a reality.

Author: Telemarketing/Non Geographic Numbers

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