Video conferencing allows people within the business or customers to have a face to face meeting when you are in different locations. By using laptops or mobile devices and webcams, it is easy to see the person or people and hold a meeting. But what are the top video conferencing benefits?
Author: ClydeIf you have heard the term ‘simjacking’ and wondered what was going on, you aren’t alone. The rise in SIM hijacking or Simjacking is a worrying trend and allows thieves to ‘port’ a number to different SIM cards, effectively stealing your phone’s identity.
Author: ClydeWhen it comes to choosing a mobile phone for your business, there are no shortage of options. But you don’t have to spend £1000+ on a big name handset to get the features you need. Here are some of the mobile phones that make the top 5 on features and budget.
Author: ClydeThe latest generation of the famous Apple iPhone has just been released but what are the early reports from the first people to try out the latest generation of the smartphone?
Author: ClydeAcross the UK, some 98% of businesses have an online presence, from a website to social media profiles, email addresses and online shopping.
Author: ClydeComputing giant Hewlett Packard have confirmed that they will continue to use Scotland as one of their key bases, regardless of the situation when the UK leaves the EU.
Author: ClydeThe BBC has launched its first app aimed at children to help with their wellbeing, monitoring how young people interact with friends and family online and via messaging apps. The new app, called Own It, uses an AI system to evaluate the mood of the child so it can offer advice or encourage them to talk to someone.
Author: ClydeThe new government in London have set a target of 100% full-fibre coverage by 2025 across the UK and this means that broadband firms have to work extra hard to meet this demand.
Author: ClydeA group of MPs are considering looking into the complete ban of using hands-free mobile phone devices while driving, saying the current laws give a ‘misleading impression’ that they are safe.
Author: ClydeAs the number of people working from home grows, so does the number of people working from a range of locations and using public Wi-Fi to carry out their work. But experts are warning that there are dangers involved with using public Wi-Fi and hackers have shown how easy it is to reach personal data through these public hotspots.
Author: Clyde© 2025 Clyde Solutions