

Business Wi-Fi Benefits

30 July 2016

Today’s businesses are driven by and reliant on technology. Connection to the outside world via the internet is simply essential if a business wants to not only trade but thrive and expand.

Business Wi-Fi benefits you may think, are obvious but are they? What happens when the Wi-Fi ‘goes down’?

What is Wi-Fi?

Most people have Wi-Fi in their homes thus, they are familiar with what it is but perhaps not with how it works.

Wi-Fi is a method of accessing the internet or a private network from your PC, laptop, tablet or smart phone. Rather than plugging in a cable, your devices will rely on radio waves being sent by the router, a small box in the building that is connected to the phone line.

Wi-Fi is an abbreviation of ‘wireless fidelity’ and most people will be aware that routers and other equipment of this ilk will be approved for use as part of a Wi-Fi network in a business or home.

Why Wi-Fi and not cable?

Having a reliable and secure Wi-Fi signal in your business is important as this is the main means you have of;

  • Accessing and sending emails
  • Accessing your website to add content, products and so on
  • Back-up data and information on the cloud, a secure space in the ether which only you have access to and so on

Advantages of business Wi-Fi are many and varied;

  • Many modern pieces of equipment are wireless, such as printers, and this means less cabling and other issues to deal with over the space your business occupies
  • It also means you can move about the premises and still access the Wi-Fi signal from your router. This broader coverage can make accessing the internet and a private network far easier, no matter where on the shop or factory floor you are.
  • Offsite access is important too and whilst you may not be able to access your own Wi-Fi signal from miles away, there are more and more Wi-Fi hotspots that makes staying connected so much easier.
  • There is no doubt that one of the best business Wi-Fi benefits is the fact that it increases efficiency. Whether you work mainly on-site or travel frequently, staying connected with a reliable and secure internet connection is simply essential in the modern world.

Widespread technology

Wi-Fi is a technology that is becoming more widespread but there is also an increase expectation that a business will also have a strong signal that not only their workforce is connected to, but others can use too. For example, visiting guests and visitors may need to access your signal to extract important files and so on.

Security is important when it comes to Wi-Fi. Simply throwing open your signal for everyone to use is not an option. Having it password protected is essential, especially in this technological age where so much happens via the internet that could be, at best, described as unsavoury.

With this is mind, is your business Wi-Fi doing the job you want and need it to?

Contact Clyde Solutions to discuss your business wi-fi requirements.

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