

How the iPhone has changed our lives

20 January 2014

9th January 2007 is a pivotal date in evolution, we may not have realised at the time but it’s the day the iPhone was first introduced to the world and the day that changed the way we use our mobiles  forever.

By October 2013, Apple had sold more than 150 million handsets worldwide – here’s the top five ways it’s changed life as we know it. In the future it won’t be BC and AD it will be pre iPhone and  post iPhone!


  1. It made the latest technology a fashion statement- Apple started this with the iPod but it was the iPhone that meant people started to look at a mobile phone as a status symbol. The iPhone also brought technology into the mainstream and suddenly it wasn’t just nerds queuing up outside the Apple store.
  2. There’s an app for it-  What did we do before CRM apps, route finders and being able to check in for a flight on your phone?  When Apple introduced the iPhone 3G handset it changed our lives again by introducing the app store.
  3. It changed our we use computers and phones – the touch screen meant we used our fingers as a stylus and has the touch screen technology has been sighted as the most technological advance since the mouse.
  4. It made arguments boring - You used to be able to spend hours debating facts with your work colleagues  about subjects you thought you knew best about, now a quick search on your iPhone solves disputes in minutes.
  5. Internet anytime, anywhere, anyhow – The development of Safari meant that we were able to access the internet anywhere and anytime and for any use. Business emails are sent automatically to your phone and conference calls allow you to have meetings on the move.


For more information about the iPhone and the tariffs we offer contact us or call 0141 353 4350. 

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