

Get Happy!

20 June 2014

Today 20th June is said to be the happiest day of the year, according to Dr Cliff Arnall, a happiness coach for celebrities and business leaders, fed every date of the year into a mathematical ‘happiness’ formula – and tomorrow, the third Friday in June, came out on top.

Dr Arnall’s happiness formula is: O + (N x S) + Cpm/T + He. Put more simply, a numerical value for being outdoors (O) was added to nature (N) multiplied by social interaction (S), added to childhood summer memories and positive thoughts (Cpm) divided by temperature (T), and added to holiday excitement (He).

 As most of you will be in the office today, you be thinking  “how can it be the happiest day of the year, its 19c outside and I’m stuck at my desk “ Well as you may know, happiness is a state of mind, you control your own happiness and have the ability to be happy wherever you are. Still not buying it? Need direction?

Here’s our 5 tips on how to be happy at work.

  1. Do something you love every single day -  may or may not love your current job and you may or may not believe that you can find something in your current job to love, but you can. Trust me. Take a look at yourself, your skills and interests, and find something that you can enjoy doing every day. If you do something you love every single day, your current job won't seem so bad. 
  2. Clear your workspace- Take a picture of your desk or workspace, does it look like somewhere you’d like to spend 40 hours a week?  Take time to declutter, get rid of what you don’t need, tidy cables, put up some pictures and it will really change your mood.
  3. Only make commitments you can keep-  of the most serious causes of work stress and unhappiness is failing to keep commitments. Many employees spend more time making excuses for failing to keep a commitment, and worrying about the consequences of not keeping a commitment, than they do performing the tasks promised. 
  4. Stay clear of negativity -Choosing to be happy at work means avoiding negative conversations, gossip, and unhappy people as much as possible. No matter how positively you feel, negative people have a profound impact on your psyche. 
  5. Approach each day like it’s your first day on the job- Remember how enthusiastic you were on your 1st day? You excelled at all tasks and smiled and engaged with all your colleagues. If you could approach every day like that it will have a positive impact on your work and colleagues and make your office a happy one. 

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